
Forza Horizon 4 Easy Money

Playground Games'Forza Horizon 4is of the most refined and expansive racers out there, with its gorgeous open-worlds, sleek vehicles, and loads of seemingly endless content.

Though fans have been drawn to its dense gameplay, solid mechanics, and wealth of options, actuallyearningample wealth can be a painstaking process at times. This becomes especially apparent when coming upon the huge plethora of pricey cars, houses, and accessories to buy in-game.

This list will cover the various means of earning credits and break down the speediest, most efficient ways to gain digital riches so you can buy that lavish mansion or sleek Ferrari.

Update January 28th, 2021 by Stephen LaGioia: With such a massive scope and so much to buy and customize, Forza Horizon 4 simply beckons the player to earn as many credits as possible. With DLC packs and add-ons like Fortune Island and the Best of Bond Car Pack, along with rotating seasonal rewards, one can never have too much cash to spend on sleek new cars and other goodies. As such, it seemed appropriate to update this list with even more means of quickly and resourcefully earning credits.

14 Buy Huntsman's Lodge

Purchasing the various properties scattered about England can yield plenty of rewards, as they can serve as handy fast-travel hubs and perks such as doubling one's Forzathon Points and granting Super Wheelspins. However, those looking for some particularly nice instant returns should prioritize buying the Huntsman's Lodge. This property can be secured for 750,000 credits and resides just to the west of the Lakehurst Forest title on the map.

This is a useful investment as doing so will instantly notch three Super Wheelspins. Moreover, though, it will also unlock the always enjoyable Skill Songs. These will initiate at times when listening to the radio, as the DJ will begin rocking a song that nets twice the skill points while it's playing. More skill points mean more leveling up, and thus more credits.

13 Join A Club

WhileFH4can be thoroughly enjoyed solo, it's also a very community-driven game. Players can enjoy the benefits of taking part in exhilarating events online, and this can be further taken advantage of by joining a club. Jumping into one of the game's many clubs is as simple as flipping to the "club" tab in the menu and searching for the name of a club.

Being in a club can be a fun and useful way to communicate, meet for online events, and stay abreast ofFH4happenings. More significantly though, completing online events with the club will sometimes grant extra credits and influence.

12 Turn Off Stability Control

The number of credits earned is partly based on the difficulty settings, which will be touched on later. Players that are apprehensive to completely crank up the difficulty, however, can still make some minor adjustments to earn bonus credits when completing an event.

One great way to achieve this, which tends to be overlooked, is simply dialing back of the steering assist and stability control. The latter is especially helpful, as the differences are pretty marginal — especially given that flubs during a race can be avoided by rewinding time anyway.

11 Redeem Rewards On The Forza Hub App

Like many online-oriented games, Playground Games rewards players in various ways for coming back and playing regularly.

One way to take advantage of this is by downloading the Forza Hub App in the Microsoft Store. Simply logging into the app through one's Xbox Live account will often yield bundles of credits that are applied immediately toFH4and otherForzagames.

10 Go For Those Wheelspins

Wheelspins have always been a major goal to strive for when it comes to theForza Horizonseries. Yet, this is particularly the case in the most recent rendition, as there are tons of ways to obtain them, and a slew of awesome prizes to earn, including cold hard digital cash.

What's evenmoresignificant is the introduction of the epicSuperWheelspin, which enables players to land a trio of goodies all at once. This not only increases the odds of landing rare cars and flair, but also larger increments of credits that can reside in thehundreds of thousands.

9 Sell Cars In Auctions

With a game as massive asFH4, there's no shortage of cars to obtain, whether it be through wheelspins, barn finds, DLC content, or buying them at the garage. One way to rake in some extra dough is to gather a collection of cars - ideally more specialized, sleeker, and/or rare varieties - and pawn them at the Auction House.

Be sure to use vehicles that reside in the 200k-300k region in terms of credit value. Compare the values in the garage so you know you're selling at a fair and appealing price. Then it's a matter of playing the waiting game and hoping players will bite.

8 Purchase Fairlawn Manor

Buying houses in this game can prove handy in terms of convenience, as they'll act as central hubs where players can fast travel amongst the vast landscapes that comprise Great Britain. Yet, there's one estate to strive for in particular, called Fairlawn Manor. This can be found a way south of the dense city area at the northeastern part of the map, and just north of Moorhead.

Now, this is no small investment at 2,000,000 credits, though it's one that pays off. Not only will players be able to fast-travel toany estate upon buying it, but they'll be gifted a whopping10Super Wheelspins, all-but ensuring this will pay for itself many times over.

7 Story Missions And Championships

It can be easy to wander off and become distracted by simply driving around and taking in the gorgeous scenery inFH4. Still, it's a good idea to stay focused if credits are what you're after. One of the best ways to score more of them quickly is to participate in the various championships and story missions scattered about.

Completing these (even with bronze medals) will feed into the Horizon Life experience points, granting credits off the bat as well as eventual wheelspins.

As a side note, the World's Fastest Rentals missions can also be purchased as a business, which will net a consistent stream of earnings for the player.

6 Participate In Forzathon Events/Live

One of the neatest aspects toFH4 is the constant stream of rotating challenges and Forzathon Live events. Take a gander at the daily and weekly challenges, in addition to the seasonal bonuses which are organized in the Forzathon menu. Notching these tasks will net points that can quickly be converted into more wheelspins and additional flair at the Forzathon shop.

These points can also be obtained by the always enjoyable Forzathon Live - which are brief co-op romps that occur every hour. These are typically easy to tackle, as you'll usually be working with a handful of other drivers to knock out up to 3 collaborative challenges.

5 Skills And More Skills

It's a good idea to take advantage ofFH4's elaborate system of rewarding flashy and skilled racing.

Simply driving around, even without engaging in activities, can yield ample points, which can be strung together in order to multiply bonuses. Actions like swift speeds, jumps, near-misses, and passes will potentially bring thousands of points in a short period of time. You'll want to avoid crashing to get that multiplier going, and you can further milk this by getting perks that raise these rewards or extend the multipliers.

Getting ample bouts of skilled driving will fast track players to leveling up, and thus notching more wheelspins.

4 Use Multiple Cars For Separate Perks

Speaking of perks, it's a good idea to take advantage ofFH4's unique car-specific perk mastery system. Each car will come with its own bonuses attached to that vehicle, many of which come in the form of instant rewards. These include wheelspins, better skill multipliers, instant credits, and even Super Wheelspins. Players will need to spend skill points to get the perks, which are earned through the aforementioned skills performed while driving.

Basically - try and play around with as many cars as possible - without spending a fortune to do so, of course.

3 Focus On Leveling Up Using My Horizon Life

Horizon Life isFH4's new, more fleshed out implementation of an xp system, and it's one that's impressively vast. Again, it's a good idea to take advantage of this. Basically, the game rewards players for executing tasks, actions, and events in as many ways as possible. One way to streamline this and focus on more prudent tasks is to examine the "My Horizon Life" screen, which will display a slew of individual, color-coded objectives.

That's right, theseeachhave their own xp bar, so you'll want to try and tackle a range of options. These range from online events to speed traps to painting cars. Highlighting them will show a player's current level in each, as well as their reward for reaching the next level, allowing them to focus on the more lucrative choices.

2 Play On Higher Difficulties

It's been established that taking part in events - both online and solo - enables players to level up, and thus gain credits more quickly. To compound this, it's a good idea to attempt to bump up the difficulty, assuming you're confident enough in doing well.

The game's intricate system of AI "Drivatars" comes with 8 levels of skill, and each increase offers greater bonuses. Cranking this up to the max can land you as much as a125%bonus in winnable credits.

Players can also tinker with various other settings to fine-tune the difficulty to a more manageable level whilst still gaining some extras. The rewind feature can even be switched off to notch an extra 15% bonus.

1 Invest In The VIP Pass

Players can bypass some of the more nuanced strategies and enhance your overall earnings by simply buying the VIP package. This will instantaneously bring double the credit rewards for each completed event. This is really only advised for the truly dedicated players who keep coming back, as it'll cost $20 to implement.

Still, between the extra credits, weekly bonus Super Wheelspins, and exclusive cars, it may be worth considering for those looking for a life of driver luxury inFH4's virtual world.

It also comes included in theFH4 Ultimate Edition, which also grants access to upcoming game expansions.

NEXT: 15 Games To Play If You Like Forza Horizon 4

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About The Author

Stephen Lagioia (189 Articles Published)

Stephen is an avid Nintendo, Indie, and retro gamer who dabbles in Xbox on occasion, mainly in the form of binge sessions of Overwatch. He's a history buff, an aspiring writer of short fiction, and a devout metalhead who enjoys poorly drumming along to Black Sabbath on his cheap drum set. When his beloved Chicago Cubs or Bulls are not playing, he typically likes to watch random documentaries or campy horror films.

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Forza Horizon 4 Easy Money


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